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The Kick-Off — Questions
<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b3c0c2f3-a974-418a-af4b-b43f7b3ce4cc/oxk_elipse_small.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b3c0c2f3-a974-418a-af4b-b43f7b3ce4cc/oxk_elipse_small.png" width="40px" /> I started with a kickoff meeting with the client. to understand the requirements and needs of the product; I ran a stakeholder kick-off workshop to better address the challenge and situation in hand
- While it was critical to keep all questions as open-ended as possible, This enabled me to understand the project and time available as a designer, it is also key to understand the pitfalls, preferred outcomes, and any previous attempts or relevant research.
- And will help me better focus my takes on research and discovery phases. For example, to understand if solutions, workshops and research methods are enabling or hindering progress and getting out of timeline and scope.
Product Definition
- What is the objective?
- Why are we focusing on it?
- What is the purpose of the project or task?
- What decisions are you trying to make with the results?
- Has this challenge been attempted before? (existing research, outcomes)
- What would cause this project to fail? (turn into HMW questions)
- How much time do we have?
Success Metrics
- How will we define success?
- What is the ideal outcome for you?
- What KPIs are we hoping to impact?
- What are we aiming to achieve?
- What is the KPI’s current average?
Primary Users
- Who are the users/customers?
- What problems are we solving?
- Are we looking at new or existing customers? or both?
- Do we need to consider multiple cultures?
Design & accessibility
- What tasks are critical to accomplish?
- Which devices & versions should be supported? (mobiles, tablets, laptops, desktops, TVs, watches, etc.)
- Which software & versions should be supported? (screen readers, browsers, etc.)
- Which hardware & versions should be supported? (mouse, keyboard, braille display, camera, etc.)
✍ Interview Notes — Summary
<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/20aed247-1943-43f1-b0f9-fc55b77bada8/oxk_elipse_small.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/20aed247-1943-43f1-b0f9-fc55b77bada8/oxk_elipse_small.png" width="40px" /> Some of the highlighted interview notes and answers are below:
questions and concerns from stakeholders are in white —
my answers and initial suggestions are in red — to raise follow up questions
my concerns are in yellow — to raise follow up questions on constraints
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